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    RYou, unfortunately for me, I cannot feel your pain. When I was a kid I was at a wrestling camp and was doing chicken fights. Me and my chicken did well and there was only us and the other last duo left. I wanted to go for the leg. But the other chicken raised his knee and totally gobbed up my nose. At the moment of impact my nose exploded with blood. It bled uncontrollably for a while, and it did eventually stop. That night, I bled all over my pillow. I could move the tip of my nose to either cheek with no problem for years after. My nose looks like it has been broken but I think it was just the cartilage that was goobered up. Anyway, I don’t remember smelling much after that. My wife was recoiling as I hauled the thing out in the wheel barrow and I couldn’t smell it. It has to be pretty strong for me to smell it (and I did) and really really strong for me to smell it for and extended period of time word.



    Goooooooooood morning everybody!!!!!!!!!!!
    Smells don’t bother me much but that compost toilet sounds awful. Grew up farming and working in hog barns.
    Have a wonderful day word!


    When we were kids we would play football at a friend’s house with a big back yard. Everyone was decked out shoulder pads and helmets. Full blown tackle. We were 9 or 10. He was a distance away, so I had to ride my bike there, pads and helmet on. So I’m riding the sidewalk since the street is pretty busy. A female friend across the street calls out to me and I look to the side and wave.

    BAM, smack into a mailbox that stood on the corner. I went over the handlebar face first into the mailbox. The force knocked me out cold while the facemask slid down and the helmet smashed into my nose, crack. Broken nose, broken helmet. Fortunately, the broken face mask didn’t pierce my eye. It occurred at the corner of a neighborhood deli and the owner heard the crash. He called the ambulance and my mother. I woke up sometime while in the ambulance. Broken nose, concussion and a lump the size of the egg in the middle of my forehead. Two days afterward were school pictures, so I have a nice memento, a pic with a large purple egg on my forehead. My mom wouldn’t buy me a new helmet, but my brother, 14 years older, did for Christmas. She was PO’d he did that.


    I have a similar story RYou, but it didn’t end quite as dramatically.



    Goooooooooooooood morning everybody!!!!!!!!!!
    Never had a nose issue.
    Have a tremendous day word!


    I don’t know, maybe that cracked nose has something to do with the sense of smell.


    My son could smell a candy bar at the top of our closet. He did it more than once. That was the best sense of smell I have ever witnessed word.



    Goooooooooooood morning everybody!!!!!!!!!!!
    Why was there a candy bar at the top of your closet?
    Have a fantastic day word!


    Hah, my wife used to hide chocolates all over the place. Not bags, the individual pieces. Now she’s overt, everything is in a jar. She has a very large sweet tooth. Everything from the Kisses to the mini bars I always have some kind of Swiss chocolate for her birthday.


    AC, you ask a good question. We hid the candy there so he wouldn’t get into it. Maybe it was Halloween or Easter or something but that was the why. He could sniff it out. He was amazing with his nose word.



    5 days of blue sky and sunshine will give way to clouds, but no rain.


    Gooooooooooooood morning RYou and everybody!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
    If I ever hid any candy like that, wifey would get it before the kids ever had a chance.
    Cold has moved in. Freeze warning for a couple days. 27 for a low tonight.
    Have an excellent day word!


    “no rain”

    We have 2″ so far. Wind from the west pushed a southern storm moving north on top of us.

    Drove up to #4 GS 8 AM T Ball game canceled. “field is too wet” Huh ? That’s dew on the grass, it dries up.

    Waited for #1 GS 10 AM baseball game only to find it was cancelled 15 minutes before game time. Other team could only field 6 kids…..and school wasn’t even on a break.


    Goooooooooooood afternoon RYou and everybody!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
    One more night below freezing then back to 60 for a high and 41 for a low.
    No ball games yet. Parents still complaining about the fields being unusable and traveling to neighboring towns to play.
    Have a spectacular day word!


    2 makeup games and 2 scheduled games tonight. Can’t do all 4, 2 at best, have to decide where to go.

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